These days, it seems to me that eighty percent of television programs are categorized as "reality television". Between shows that follow a group of people living under one roof (like Jersey Shore), shows that document certain lifestyles (Hoarders), and shows that encourage a competition (Survivor), it is difficult to believe that any of these shows are anything but influenced by producers. How can a producer guarantee that people are going to watch a group of 20-25 year olds living in a house together? These shows are casted, and individuals are chosen based on the producer's ideal group of entertainers. If you are a nice, hardworking, girl who rarely drinks and would rather stay in and watch a movie than go to a aren't getting on a reality show. The concerning thing is, if people actually believe that these people are realistic or "normal" people, it can have a huge affect on their behavior.
Reality shows tend to feature violence, reckless behavior, and general cattiness and disloyalty. Constant consumption of this material normalizes it, even to those who may watch knowing it is scripted. People see "Snooki" on Jersey Shore saying, "I'm so upset, I need to go get drunk", and that becomes socially acceptable. Media does have the power to change social norms. And unlike shows that cast actors as actors, reality shows are particularly dangerous because it seems real. For the younger audience, these shows seem to have a much greater affect. We as a society don't want our youth to be influenced by shows that promote promiscuous and hateful relationships. The future needs to consist of good communication and level-headedness, not partying to "solve" a problem.
That being said, the shows make great entertainment, and a lot of money which is why they continue to be produced. People just need to recognize that these shows are entertainment. Even if a person on a reality show seems relatable, odds are it isn't them you're relating to. Television is always about image and character. Unfortunately, even the news isn't always straightforward. People in mass media have become obsessed with doing what sells. I think that this can sometimes compromise integrity and honesty, two very important elements in the human world.